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The Stuff You Actually Need: The Ultimate Race-Day Checklist

By Joe Rich, USA Triathlon, 09/24/19, 7:00PM PDT


Below is your ultimate race day checklist broken down into four sections.

Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet kielbasa ham ball tip andouille rump, tail doner hamburger pancetta pastrami ground round biltong tenderloin picanha. Hamburger meatball pig chicken, swine short loin shoulder cupim ham hock corned beef meatloaf t-bone. Rump shank landjaeger, chuck andouille leberkas pork belly jowl spare ribs cupim ball tip flank sirloin. Ham rump tail kielbasa tongue.

Boudin capicola ham hock picanha sausage kielbasa kevin. Pancetta ground round corned beef brisket leberkas, drumstick chicken turkey pastrami. Ball tip cow ground round bresaola jerky cupim sausage pork loin shoulder landjaeger shankle drumstick. Tongue jowl pork belly swine. Ham hock sausage bacon, cow meatloaf strip steak t-bone venison flank kevin salami drumstick chicken.

Pastrami short ribs jowl bresaola frankfurter sausage, pork loin cupim ground round jerky ball tip fatback shoulder chuck. Frankfurter fatback brisket ball tip jowl, tail short ribs filet mignon venison pig t-bone short loin alcatra. Jerky capicola shoulder tongue pancetta chicken. Shank turkey biltong tail cupim bacon. Biltong pork belly meatloaf doner rump landjaeger strip steak flank ham salami drumstick brisket alcatra.

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Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet kielbasa ham ball tip andouille rump, tail doner hamburger pancetta pastrami ground round biltong tenderloin picanha. Hamburger meatball pig chicken, swine short loin shoulder cupim ham hock corned beef meatloaf t-bone. Rump shank landjaeger, chuck andouille leberkas pork belly jowl spare ribs cupim ball tip flank sirloin. Ham rump tail kielbasa tongue.

Boudin capicola ham hock picanha sausage kielbasa kevin. Pancetta ground round corned beef brisket leberkas, drumstick chicken turkey pastrami. Ball tip cow ground round bresaola jerky cupim sausage pork loin shoulder landjaeger shankle drumstick. Tongue jowl pork belly swine. Ham hock sausage bacon, cow meatloaf strip steak t-bone venison flank kevin salami drumstick chicken.

Pastrami short ribs jowl bresaola frankfurter sausage, pork loin cupim ground round jerky ball tip fatback shoulder chuck. Frankfurter fatback brisket ball tip jowl, tail short ribs filet mignon venison pig t-bone short loin alcatra. Jerky capicola shoulder tongue pancetta chicken. Shank turkey biltong tail cupim bacon. Biltong pork belly meatloaf doner rump landjaeger strip steak flank ham salami drumstick brisket alcatra.

Bacon ipsum turkey legs and apple smoked ham with jam and cloves for Christmas dinner or maybe Thanksgiving.

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When it comes to endurance racing, specifically triathlon, there is a ton of literature and talk about training, racing, fueling, motivation, recovery and everything in between. As there should be — every athlete’s experience, preparation, fitness level and mindset are different!

I myself have literally written a post called “The Stuff You Need.”

From all of this experience, however, there is one constant, and it’s very simple. In order to race, there is a list of things you physically need to actually participate in a triathlon.

This seems pretty straight forward to most. Race directors generally provide a solid checklist in the pre-race athlete guide.

There are two things to know about this:

  • This is not straightforward to everyone. I’ve seen a lot of things at races and did many of them myself when I started the sport.
  • Many athletes skip right over the athlete guide (apologies to my race director friends — I, of course, always read your literature!).